Return Policy

You have 14 calendar days to return an item from the date you received it. To be eligible for a return must follow this step:


  1. Send an email to, the site will send a shipment number for free recollection of the product.
  2. Fill the refund format sent by the site.
  3. Place the refund format inside the package or send it by email at
  4. Place the recollection shipment number visible on the package.
  5. Give the package to the shipment company.


The product can be exchange if you have a different size and have the same price. The product must be:


  1. In the original packaging and without alteration, scratches.
  2. The site will review the package and will send an e mail in the next 72 hours with the assessment of the review of the product and the instructions to follow for refund or exchange.
  3. The site only refunds or exchange the products acquired in our platform, we don’t exchange products sold by third parties, you must contact them directly.
  4. No refunds or exchange products on final prices, discounts, on sale unless the product is damage or broken.
  5. The products sizes can be exchange one time.


For international orders, customers will follow the same steps and are responsible for the shipment and additional cost of sending the item(s) back. The site only guarantees the cost of the product.


The products are not true to size; please check our site for guidance.